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Showing posts from July, 2011

How to get upstream job status in Hudson from downstream jobs statuses

This is step-by-step instruction based on this blog: Upstream job configuration 1. Adding downstream jobs a) In 'Post-build Actions' section set 'Build other projects' checkbox b) Add downstream jobs in 'Build other projects', separated by comma c) Set 'Trigger even if the build is unstable' 2. Setting up fingerprinting to connect upstream job with downstream jobs a) In 'Post-build Actions' section set 'Record fingerprints of files to track usage' checkbox b) Set '**' in 'Files to fingerprint' field c) Set 'Keep the build logs of dependencies' checkbox Downstream jobs configuration 1. Setting up fingerprinting to connect upstream job with downstream jobs a) In 'Post-build Actions' section set 'Record fingerprints of files to track usage' checkbox b) Set ...

Integration of your test suite with Hudson using Apache Ant

The quick, dirty and painless guide to integrate your test automation suite with Hudson. Prerequisites 1. It is assumed that you already have test automation suite that produces test results in JUnit XML format. For example this can be a bundle of Selenium RC and JUnit. Or Watir and Cucumber with JUnit-style reporter. 2. You need to create Ant project build.xml script that executes your test suite. Materials: Example (execution of Watir/Cucumber test suite on Windows): 3. It is assumed that your test automation suite is stored to Subversion or CVS server. 4. Download hudson.war from here: Steps 1. Go to the directory with downloaded hudson.war and run the following command: java -jar hudson.war 2. Open your browser and go to: http://localhost:8080/ 3. Click "New Job" link on the left panel of Hudson dashboard 4. Enter job name (this can be any...