If you are already using SauceLabs for automated web UI testing on mobile devices, then you could be interested in trying TestObject cloud service that was acquired and became a part of SauceLabs family in 2017. It allows you to run your existing tests on real devices (Android and iPhone). SauceLabs provides emulators, which work quite well, but, depending on the requirements of your project, you may need to execute tests on real hardware. Another reason for switching to TestObject could be using the latest version of Android OS which may not be available at SauceLabs. At the moment of posting this article the latest supported version was Android 7.1 on SauceLabs and Android 8.1 on TestObject. Luckily the transition to TestObject is quite seamless. You don't need to modify your existing automated tests, only the provider endpoint and a few capabilities. The disanvantage of using a free Testobject account is that you are limited to only a few devices which are marked as Free in th...
test automation, scripting, system administration, etc.