There are two plugins available:
I decided to use Chronos Maven plugin. It requires explicit installation of JMeter.
I've successfully configured pom.xml for running our test automation suite and reporting of the test results. You need to perform the following steps:
1. Install Apache Maven
2. Create pom.xml file and put it in a directory of your choice
3. Set your local JMeter installation directory path in jmeter.home in pom.xml file
4. Set the path to your JMeter script in pom.xml
5. Set assertions in pom.xml file if required (I didn't need this, so they are not present in the example below)
6. Create a JMeter project and copy it to test subdirectory of the directory where you stored pom.xml file. Your directory structure should be similar to the following example (target folder will be created automatically by Maven during the first test execution, it will contain raw JTL file and test reports in HTML format):
/test /target pom.xml7. Run the targets manually or through your continuous integration server:
mvn clean (to clean the test results directory)
mvn chronos:jmeter (to run your Jmeter project)
mvn chronos:check (to check assertions given in pom.xml)
mvn chronos:report (to create html report with test results)
That's basically all you need. Maven will automatically download all required dependencies from Internet.
This is what my pom.xml file looks like:
You also can configure your continuous integration server to run your tests. This is a part of my Hudson job configuration dealing with the test suite:
During test execution Chronos creates a target directory with results, copying both raw JTL file and HTML reports to this directory. So the first step in the job configuration must be clearing old results, the second step should be chronos:report goal which automatically executes JMeter test script and produces results in HTML format. It is also recommended to configure storage of artifacts so that we never lose test results from previous runs and keep the whole history.
Chronos produces eye-candy reports and the whole solution is very suitable for using with any continuous integration server if it supports Maven of course. Below you can see my test results as an example of the report it produces.
Summary statistics with all pages included in the table
Overall throughput
Per-request individual performance statistics
Response distribution histogram